Hinduism is a scientific religion called Sanatana Dharma - Eternal Dharma

Swami Chinmayanandaji was a renowned saint. Once, a 'secular' minded journalist, who generally show Hinduism in poor light, vis a vis other religions, asked a question to Swamiji:  

Q: Who is the founder of Islam?

A:  Prophet Mohammad.

Q:  Who is the founder of Christianity?

A:  Jesus Christ.

Q:   Who is the founder of Hinduism?
Thinking that Swamiji has no answer, the lady journalist proceeded:
There is no founder and hence, Hinduism is not a religion or Dharma at all.

A:  Then, Swamiji said:
You are right. Hinduism is not a religion. It is a Science.
She did not understand that.
Swamiji put some more questions to her.

Q:  Who is the founder of Physics?

Ans: No one person.

Who is the founder of Chemistry?

Ans: No one person.

Who is the founder of Biology?

Ans: No single person.

Many many persons, from time to time, contributed to the wealth of knowledge of any Science.

Swamiji continued:

Hindu Dharma is a Science, developed over the centuries, contributed by saints and sages for giving right direction to the society.

Islam has only one book -Quran.

Christianity has only one book -Bible.

But for Hinduism,  I can take you to a library and show you hundreds of books.

Hence, Hinduism is a scientific religion - called Sanatana Dharma Eternal Dharma.

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