Our Mission

Romarishi and Tara are international spiritual teachers who have dedicated their lives to raising the consciousness of humanity, and assist in ushering in the Golden Age for humanity. Their teaching activities include teaching seminars, writing books, creating videos, appearing on podcasts and speaking at conferences.

Together, Romarishi and Tara have founded Dharma centers in the United States and Europe, run retreats, taught thousands of people around the world to meditate, and to date they have given over 600 spiritual seminars about the lives of the great Siddha Saints throughout the United States, Canada, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taiwan.

Romarishi and Tara feel that when you learn about the lives of these great Enlightened Beings, you discover what your true potential is as a radiant enlightened being of infinite wisdom, love and compassion.

Romarishi and Tara believe as the great saint Shirdi Sai Baba said,

"I respect all religions but I am not only one.  My religion is Love",

and so their spiritual philosophy is Universal and they respect all enlightened masters of all spiritual traditions.

We are dedicated to raising the consciousness of humanity and ushering in a Golden Age.

~ Romarishi Siddha Nath

We plan to create four ecovillages in India which will be incubators of self-sufficiency where young people will learn the essential skills for sustainable living including:

Outer Sustainability

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Inner Sustainability

Wisdom of the Siddhas: Health, Longevity & Enlightenment
Wisdom of the Siddhas: Health, Longevity & Enlightenment
Women of Wisdom:  Celebrating the Lives of Enlightened Women
Women of Wisdom: Celebrating the Lives of Enlightened Women
Meditation: The Key to Life’s Greatest Treasures
Meditation: The Key to Life’s Greatest Treasures
The Mystic Path of the Bodhisattvas
The Mystic Path of the Bodhisattvas
Rainbow Body:  Realization of Great Yogis, Saints and Masters
Rainbow Body: Realization of Great Yogis, Saints and Masters
Messengers of Love
Messengers of Love
Herbs for Spiritual Development
Herbs for Spiritual Development
Tea Ceremony: Cha Dao (the Way of Tea)
Tea Ceremony: Cha Dao (the Way of Tea)
How to Perform the Tea Ceremony
How to Perform the Tea Ceremony

The Mahamudra Ecovillage Certified Graduates will perform seva by uniting the best of Ancient Eastern Wisdom and Modern Western Science to welcome in a New Golden Age for humanity.   Graduates of the Mahamudra Ecovillage incubators will be certified as experts in sustainable living skills, and they will be able to teach these essential skills throughout India and subsequently, the world.
~ Romarishi & Tara Leela